package hudson.plugins.starteam; import com.starbase.starteam.Folder; import com.starbase.starteam.View; import com.starbase.starteam.File; import com.starbase.starteam.Item; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; public class StarTeamFunctions { /** * Find the given folder in the given view. * * @param view * The view to look in. * @param foldername * The view-relative path of the folder to look for. * @return The folder or null if a folder by the given name was not found. * @throws StarTeamSCMException */ public static Folder findFolderInView(final View view, final String foldername) throws StarTeamSCMException { // Check the root folder of the view if (view.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(foldername)) { return view.getRootFolder(); } // Create a File object with the folder name for system- // independent matching thefolder = new; // Search for the folder in subfolders Folder result = findFolderInView(view.getRootFolder(), thefolder); if (result == null) { throw new StarTeamSCMException("Couldn't find folder " + foldername + " in view " + view.getName()); } return result; } /** * Do a breadth-first search for a folder with the given name, starting with * children of the provided folder. * * @param folder * the folder whose children to check * @param thefolder * the folder to look for * @return */ private static Folder findFolderInView(Folder folder, thefolder) { // Check subfolders, breadth first. checkLater is a collection // of folders that didn't match, therefore their children // will be checked next. Collection<Folder> checkLater = new ArrayList<Folder>(); for (Folder f : folder.getSubFolders()) { // Compare pathnames. The getFolderHierarchy call returns // the full folder name (including root folder name which // is the same as the view name) terminated by the // platform-specific separator. if (f.getFolderHierarchy().equalsIgnoreCase( thefolder.getPath() + { return f; } else { // add to list of folders whose children will be checked checkLater.add(f); } } // recurse unto children for (Folder f : checkLater) { Folder result = findFolderInView(f, thefolder); if (result != null) { return result; } } return null; } public static Collection<File> listAllFiles(Map<String,Folder> rootFolderMap, workspace) { Collection<File> result = new ArrayList<File>(); for (Map.Entry<String,Folder> f:rootFolderMap.entrySet()) { result.addAll(listAllFiles(f.getValue(),workspace)); } return result; } public static Collection<File> listAllFiles(Folder rootFolder, workspace) { Collection<File> result = new ArrayList<File>(); // set root folder String alternatePath = rootFolder.getAlternatePathFragment(); if (alternatePath == null) { alternatePath = ""; } actualPlace = new,alternatePath); rootFolder.setAlternatePathFragment(actualPlace.getAbsolutePath()); // Get a list of all files listAllFiles(result, rootFolder); return result; } private static void listAllFiles(Collection<File> result, Folder folder) { for (Folder f : folder.getSubFolders()) { listAllFiles(result, f); } // find items in this folder for (Item i : folder.getItems(folder.getView().getProject().getServer() .getTypeNames().FILE)) { File f = (com.starbase.starteam.File) i; try { // This sometimes throws... deep inside starteam =( result.add(f); } catch (RuntimeException e) { //todo logger.println("Exception in listAllFiles: " // + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } public static Map<String,String> splitCsvString(String multiplefolder) { Map<String,String> folderMap = new HashMap<String,String>(); if (multiplefolder != null) { for (String folderLine:multiplefolder.split("\n")) { String folderLineNullable = StringUtils.trimToNull(folderLine); if (folderLineNullable != null) { String[] starteamWorkspace = folderLineNullable.split(","); String starteamFolder = starteamWorkspace.length>0?StringUtils.trimToNull(starteamWorkspace[0]):null; String workspacePath = starteamWorkspace.length>1?StringUtils.trimToNull(starteamWorkspace[1]):null; if (workspacePath == null) { workspacePath = "."; } if (starteamFolder != null && workspacePath != null) { folderMap.put(starteamFolder,workspacePath); } } } } return folderMap; } public static Map<,com.starbase.starteam.File> convertToFileMap(final Collection<com.starbase.starteam.File> collection) { Map<,com.starbase.starteam.File> result = new TreeMap<,com.starbase.starteam.File>(); for (com.starbase.starteam.File f:collection) { result.put(new,f); } return result; } }